Comments from rabbitears

Date Story title Comment
2018-01-21 21:23:14 TARYN'S OTHERLAND: Chapter 13 one last chapter....
2018-01-22 16:15:36 TARYN'S OTHERLAND: Chapter 14 yes it was a wonderful make it pornographic there would need to be more and varied if a guard would have survived the original time hop...i like it because the bestiality lead to the domestication of the horse and the dog...there could hyave been some sex with the horses...and some tribal screwing dogs for instance...still great story...
2018-03-21 20:58:42 Rape Maganet i liked it....but it is the only bestiality story you have written out of dozens...i hope you write more and let me know...
2018-03-27 20:03:20 Dogsitting very nice...keep up the good work...
2018-05-23 19:37:40 Susie's Zoo Submission II i caan hardly wait (hahaha) to see what happens next...