Comments from countrycadillac

Date Story title Comment
2018-10-01 18:53:33 How Traditions Start – part 1 This was a perfect instructional story that should be given to all young adults while still at home. It leaves out nothing and contains everything they need to know to start out in the world.The age of the child will vary with the young person , "O'Boy will it !! Please continue on !! Thank you !
2018-10-02 19:47:31 The Chauffeur(#3)...... First Day/ Jill What else can I say other than WONDERFUL and of course PERFECT !! I shall forever read any and all of your future stories !! THANK YOU !!! COUNTRY CADILLAC
2018-10-08 18:40:06 The Chauffeur(#4)......Tina and Those Crazy Clients I would like to see David & Tina go to work for the Jaxson's. Would be a great kick in the ass for Shasta who deserves nothing more for mistreating her employee's. Great writing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2018-10-10 17:40:58 Jessie_(1) A wonderful story and very well written. I'll be waiting for the rest of your tales>> Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2018-10-12 18:00:27 Golf Trip with Friends, Day 2 I enjoyed the story line BUT WOW do you need a Proof Reader !! GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!