Comments from countrycadillac

Date Story title Comment
2017-08-20 17:32:09 Spying on Riley #2 A great story and well written BUT way too short. Pleasee more !!!! Thank You !!!!!
2017-08-20 16:24:57 Recollections Ch. 15_(1) Your a fine writer Lexi. I hope you continue this tale for another fourteen chapters. THANK YOU !!!!!!!
2017-07-26 18:49:49 Recollections Ch. 08 OMG,the best ever !!!!!!
2017-08-25 18:35:52 THE FREAK--Part 3 of 5 OMG !!! First off let me thank you for writing this fine work, I do hope you will continue onward with it to the final conclusion. I was raised outside of Chicago in Riverside, Il. and most of my friends while growing up went to the Catholic school there. I heard many tales, tho not as bad as your story from them. PLEASE CONTINUE ON>> THANK YOU !!!!!
2017-08-31 17:14:51 The Avenging Angel Part 3_(0) The vile part of this chapter has no human value whatsoever and would be the reason no house in the USA would ever put this otherwise great story in print. Very sad, could even have been considered movie content.