Comments from countrycadillac

Date Story title Comment
2017-11-03 17:51:25 College changed everything; Part 1 Wonderful story, please continue on with more chapters. Might include Mom in one ? Thank you !!!!
2017-05-10 18:15:45 Love my Real Estate Agent I must say this is one of the most beautiful stories I have ever read and one of the best written also. I shall put your name at the top of my list of authors to watch for. Thank you !!!!
2017-07-07 17:18:03 Recollections Ch. 02 The best written story I have read on here. I hope that I can say that at the final ending !!
2017-07-10 15:28:47 My Baby Does the Hanky Panky - 1 I'd sure love to spend some time with Sadie. She sure knows what it's really about. Too old now to experience this again but thankful that I have been there with many ladies. Nothing better, you will remember it your whole lifetime !!!
2017-07-10 18:44:51 OLE' HOSS LEGACY STORY: THE GIRL ON THE BUS 2 A wonderful story and the only wonderful ENDING IS # !.