Comments from countrycadillac

Date Story title Comment
2015-09-07 16:03:36 The Hitchhiker (trial draft) OMG !!! A wonderful and well written story. Don't pay any attention to the neighslayers, If they can't say something nice they would die. Please continue on with this story. Thanks. (countrycadillac)
2014-08-09 20:13:32 Hitting the Curve (Chapter 1) Good job in writing and we will see about story line. I hope you are not planning on his dad failing with health issues. That would be a very bad direction. Good luck !!
2014-05-21 22:48:57 All Female Apartment Complex Continue on for a dozen more chapters. Your writing is great, This idea is a first for my reading and I'm surprized no one else ever thought of it. Thanks a lot !! (countrycadillac)
2017-08-30 14:27:52 THE FREAK--Part 5 of 5 Damn you, I sit here after reading all five chapters with tears running down my face, what a beautifully written story. Thank you very much !!!!!
2013-12-13 15:18:09 Trophy Wife Well done !! You have an art of discription not often seen in print. I shall look forward to your future writing. THANK YOU ! (countrycadillac)