Comments from countrycadillac

Date Story title Comment
2013-03-17 12:57:50 Great short story. I have enjoyed every one of your stories I have read. Keep up the fine writing.
2013-03-17 13:16:27 My dad sat there and watched Enjoyed the story very much. IF you were to study writing and subject body I belive you could have a future writing. Just take the time to come up for air every few words.
2013-03-17 13:38:59 Loving My Neighbor I rated you a "Good" on story line, BUT you need to slow down and think in your mind what you want to say before putting it on paper. Make the whole story FLOW peacefully from one word to another. A very good story takes time ! After your done Proof Read what you have done to see if you enjoy it. Good Luck
2013-03-25 11:59:35 Very well written. The very first time always sticks in your memory ! I always seem to enjoy your almost daily offerings.
2013-03-25 12:28:40 Good, but not your best. Maybe chapter two should get lost ?