Comments from countrycadillac

Date Story title Comment
2013-05-07 19:08:17 As always a very well written story with great form and a most wonderful kicker at the very end. My heart did a flip flop. MORE !!!
2013-05-15 13:56:32 Molly - Chapter Three WOW!!!! Great discriptions, fine story line. Good job !! (countrycadillac)
2013-05-18 14:57:46 Meeting Amanda: Sarah And Amanda’s Close Call - Chapter 11 Great story line and form. Continue on with more chapters.
2013-05-18 15:15:40 Seduction of Bailey Not too bad for a first time try. Don't run evervthing together and slo down your pace a bit. It seems too rushed. Good try !!
2013-05-21 11:00:43 Am I Strong Enough to Say No (pt1) "O" my' as an OTR driver myself I can see where this could go. It's either "fire & brimstone' or "angel wings" for the next chapters. I bet I can guess where this is going (LOL). Fine writing and story line. Keep up the good work !! (COUNTRYCADILLAC)