Comments from countrycadillac

Date Story title Comment
2013-06-27 09:37:17 Ms. Whitman Part 3 (Robbie) Very enjoyable reading. The form & body as well as the full story line are very professional. Keep up the fine work.
2013-06-28 14:46:19 No Touching Very wekk done. You have thought up a very interesting story line and I do wonder where it's headed. There are two very different areas it can go and I like them both. Good Luck !!
2013-06-28 15:05:46 The first time my husband saw me with another man. Been there, done that. It's great IF both husband and wife enjoy this type of sex otherwise it's off to splitsville. Fine job of writing and very good form. Looking forward to the chapter with the Black Gent.
2013-06-29 12:29:40 My wife's job 2 Your story line and form is very good. The subject, which may surprise many is not uncommon with small, close knit companys that have seven figure incomes. I actually speak from experience and a very pleasured one at that. Please keep on writing. THANK YOU !!
2013-07-01 11:32:07 Wife at a party Very good story, could be true. I can recall the 60's & 70's when this was very common. Many men then did not act liked they owned thier wives, unlike now-days. We would have parties at some hotel with the whole floor reserved for the club members. We NEVER had any trouble or fights back then. If you are thinking the people who attended these parties were low life your very wrong. For the most part they were upper middle class and above. It was a different time, people were nicer to each other and tried to get along.