Comments from Wolfen1

Date Story title Comment
2013-08-06 11:08:30 The Way of the War... After the War I apologies to the ones who were upset with the ending. I thought long and hard about the ending and changed it more than once in my mind. Then when I was typing ... I realized that in order to continue the story ... She would have to die. I also realized for the story to end the same was true. I wrote my self into a box and that was the only way out. And to the critic who corrected my English... Damn you tell me to correct mine and you can't type one line without a dozen mistakes. I will take my advice elsewhere.
2013-08-07 00:16:08 The Way of the War... After the War Before you judge me read the continuation it explains everything
2013-08-07 21:26:42 Alien Son Ch. 1 This has been posted before.
2013-08-18 22:37:24 Red Hawk the Spear Maker(Part 5 The Conclusion) I totally enjoyed this series. It was only after reading this that I became brave enough to actually post a story. Also your series gave me the Idea for Mondo's Clan. I would really like to read more stories of prehistory. I am captivated by cave man stories or post apocalypse that puts us back in that state of development. I have a couple of them rattling around in my brain but not sure I have the ability to carry them through.
2013-09-27 00:46:04 Who Me ... A Wizard VI To the reader that questioned me about my characters.... The Green is the main antagonist He has not come face to face with my hero as yet. You need to go back and read part V. It was a Drow Mage who was shot in the fore head. A Drow Mage is a Dark Elf magic user. But I appreciate your feed back even if it was wrong.