Comments from Wolfen1

Date Story title Comment
2013-09-30 12:02:56 The Ticket To the reader who is worried about the lottery ticket...It was in New Mexico. Presently the story is in Texas. It Has already been mentioned more than once that a trip to California was to take place soon. And think the car is a rental, which must be cleaned out before returning. In other words be patient. Lots of ground to cover as yet. Don't Question my plot until the story is complete this is just the first chapter.
Now to the English Major which I am not, I try to correct before printing I miss a few mistakes, so what ... if they matter that much to you ... read a dictionary.
2013-10-03 13:05:25 The Ticket II To the reader I am not against someone who gives criticism that helps at time. But I am against someone who slanders me and calls me names and has nothing but mud slinging hate and doesn't have the balls to sign in. I understand why you are anonymous. You don't like my story then I suggest you shut the fuck up and don't read them. In the words of another writer... It wasn't written for you, I wrote it for my self. You don't have to read it. Oh and one Question if you didn't like it why did you read it all the way through? It doesn't take me over two paragraphs to lnow I don't like something then I x out of it.
2013-10-04 13:53:58 The Ticket II I have expressed my self by saying this is long.... I will also try to satisfy the impatient readers .... Trying to please everybody causes problems because I find it necessary to hurry certain things which make some people feel that the story is jumbled. For that I apologize, With out revealing my age lets just say I would like to live to see the completion of my stories. Thus I shortcut as we all do at times. And for the reader who has a problem of breaking off for supper. The reason for coming back to the small house was because they had just hauled a body thru the back woods and it is suspected the Big house is under observation which will soon be made clear. As to supper with a ritual like that what sane man wouldn't drop everything to go play with 21 pussy's. And Dino I am working on the Wizard story now. Thanks to my readers both pro and con.
2013-10-11 23:15:18 Who Me ... a Wizard V111 I realize thiwas not as detailed as usual... It was hurried ... It will be awhile before my next comes out...

I had eye surgery and it makes it hurt if I spend to much time on my stories.
2013-11-30 11:15:55 Can We Survive I To Edi tor thanks for the comment. Think about the state of out country and the things this president is doing. It makes the scheme of this story not that far fetched. I thought about Nato and disregarded it for the same reasons that are stated. 1st was the declaration of Martial law then the use of UN Troops. Just think the president is trying to pass gun laws through the UN and is Forcing our top military officers out . What else could you expect. I do try to inject realism as much as possible...But what the heck it is still just a story.