Comments from Countz

Date Story title Comment
2013-11-16 04:20:53 In the closet with my cousin_(0) Decent story. Better use of paragraphs would make it much easier to read.
2014-01-07 06:34:04 Boyfriend forced to watch me being used A really good, sexy story but it's really hurt by a lack of spacing and paragraphing. That makes it really hard to read despite how good a story it is.
2014-11-14 16:57:53 Moving On - Chapter 3 I'm not sure what you're carrying on about puppetmaster. The coercion and domination is implied at best and at some future date. It's not like your virgin eyes have been sullied.
2014-05-06 07:21:22 Rape Bait Iranians are referred to as Persians, not Arabs. Good story though.
2015-08-22 06:39:22 A Couple's Play Day Part 2 - Consequences & Exploration (new edit) Great story! Should be rated higher.