Comments from mod_man

Date Story title Comment
2019-01-12 03:22:07 His wife! Good story keep going. You know many women can fit two dicks in their vagina. Just should not thrust deep at the same time.
2019-01-12 02:35:17 Pretending to be gay with a friend This is good. I have been there, done that.
2014-11-04 16:54:27 Sex With My Sister (Book 5 Chapter 2) I liked your story. keep it going. I don't think the lower rating is indicative of anything except that the registered people are often far pickier than the unregistered ones.
2014-01-16 20:47:33 The Pendant 7 Regarding the last comment about the count of votes, that feature has been turned off. I guess the administrator of this site was worried about possible flame wars. Not by me, I seldom ever give a negative rating, and I consider negative ratings about my stories as interesting commentaries rather than insults. I wish more people woulld write comments about why they don't like my stories. I just want to learn.
2013-09-27 23:41:50 The Shaman 2 I have a third part to post. I have to proof read edit it before I release it. If you like this story please give me a positive rating so that it will move higher and more people will see it.
If you don't like it, please feel free to comment. I would like to improve. A negative rating does not help me if I don't know why.

There is a big surprise in the third part. If enough people like what I am writing, I will keep going.

Remember, this is fantasy, and not bound by reality or science. It's supposed to be weird, but fun for those who like weird.

The universe of the shaman is bound by strict rules. He will tell you some of them, but not all.
