2014-01-14 01:47:42 |
Hey part two is up. I will be continuing this line, but in a different style... You'll see,and I hope everyone likes it and what's to come. |
2013-09-23 17:02:56 |
Hey guys baller2k here. I wasent really planing on doing a part two as some people suggested. I wouldn't know what to do with it if I did, it was meant to be a free standing story. I would also wanted to say thanks for the good ratings and more or less constructive criticism. |
2013-12-19 21:43:13 |
My Hot New Family Part 6
I love this story get more parts out soon. |
2014-10-03 03:04:45 |
Suspected this writer was English by some of his words and terms used. The second he said football MATCH instead of game, I knew for sure |
2017-03-15 23:03:43 |
My New Relationship_(1)
I decided shortly after posting this that I should come clean with her. Things are still developing, but I could put up a short epilogue of sorts for you guys. There certainly has been some....interesting things that have come with it. Once I feel everything that is going to happen, has happened, I'll be sure to post it. |