Comments from linky_fangs

Date Story title Comment
2013-11-30 01:07:33 The Sixth Prince - Part 2 Thank you very much! I'm so grateful to have such amazing comments so far! I always try and be as descriptive as possible because good sex is good sex, but the best sex is the stuff with feelings and emotions behind it. And hey, if it's the best sex, it's even better to live every moment in detail, right?
2013-11-30 12:43:46 The Sixth Prince - Part 2 I am working on chaper three as we speak. :) I'm hoping to get it done this weekend actually, but I can't be 100% certain. I can say that it will be done soon though!
2013-12-01 13:05:34 The Sixth Prince - Part 2 And I love your comments! I will certainly write more!
2013-12-01 23:42:19 The Sixth Prince - Part 2 Ah, i hate auto correct. I meant to say "too much" oops!
2013-12-03 00:20:28 The Sixth Prince - Part 2 Haha, thank you! And yes, part three will be a little longer. I try to get at least 5,000 words per story and they usually end up being slightly bigger than that, though part three has already gone past that and I haven't even finished yet.