Comments from Hellcat41979
Date | Story title | Comment |
2014-07-21 11:45:26 | Galactic Vendetta Chapter 02 | To the gentleman below if you don't like my work no ones making you read it. I will not stop posting just because some joker hiding behind anonymous comments said so. Thank you also for making me restrict comments to members only from now on. I am sorry to the people who actually had something to say. |
2014-12-02 06:05:33 | Please read my fans | FYI it's not the mods or the administrator that made the decision to change the age rule it was the site's owner Nophest. Nophest doesn't participate with the site except to cash the checks from the advertisers and to change rules without explanation. Also the only thing that will come of flooding the site with underage stories will be the banning of the ones doing it and the stories being pulled anyway. A better message could be sent a different way and there is nothing that could be done about it. Instead of underage stories flood the site with stories about geriatrics tagged young. If readership drops drastically then it will hit Nophest in his pocketbook (the only thing he gives a damn about from the site apparently) and he may take notice of what the readers and authors are saying about this censorship. Or authors can just take the safest road and not list ages or anything else that could identify character's ages. |
2014-11-06 13:21:00 | The Aftermath 2 | Another great story Pars I also liked the Krong. Please continue it for us and thank you for sharing your work with us. |
2014-07-18 18:20:54 | Galactic Vendetta character list and story set up. | The first chapter will be non erotic but later chapters will contain sex scenes. It will also be from the point of view of many of the characters from time to time. How ever it mostly will focus on the main two characters Matthew Morgan and Cassandra Bourgeois/ Andrea but you won't see her till part two. |
2014-11-01 04:17:30 | The Aftermath 1 | I can't say I'm to surprised about who her brother is to be truthful but I would really like to see this one continued. Also can you make the chapters a little longer? |