Comments from Norton X

Date Story title Comment
2014-07-11 09:41:40 Of Monsters & Men: Mermaid chronicles II Good sequel.
2014-07-16 02:55:35 Dad, I Have a Question Wow, dude! You know how to write a blowjob and ejaculation just right and hot. Amazing sex and erotica (these two things are different to me, which I'll explain in my book on sex story writing when I do decide to write it - just kidding). Great setup and beginning for this amazing story; it goes right to the heart of the matter: she wants to know about sex and daddy will answer.
2014-08-03 08:07:18 Rhiannon Jones at 16,part 1 Awesome sex story from a master of this particular fiction.
2014-07-22 00:02:34 Lillian Bell 6: Getting Airtight for Daddy Excellent blackmail story with flawless writing as far as I can tell. Really good. Keep up the awesome work.
2014-07-22 00:03:44 Daughter Surprise Nice daddy-stumbling-upon-daughter story.