Comments from Norton X

Date Story title Comment
2015-06-18 03:35:39 The Ambitious Freshman Quickly went through this story, but I can tell from the structure of the text and some of the sentences that is extremely good.
2015-09-24 07:23:55 ON ROYAL PALM ESATE Part One: Happenings between a man and a woman This story was well done and I could truly feel the atmosphere even though it was a short story. Good work.
2015-10-04 12:03:33 Triangle_(1) Thank you, Miss K.
2015-10-01 22:11:20 Triangle_(1) Thank you, Countrycadillac, for reading, voting, and taking the time to comment. Your work on this site is much appreciated. I will take your suggestion into consideration. I agree that this story does need a few more chapters.
2015-10-01 08:26:06 Dead Stick 2 Nice to see you following up on this story, Pars.