Comments from Norton X

Date Story title Comment
2015-04-20 01:58:45 Scholarship Essay: "The day I came of age." (CAW Entry.) An intelligent, thoughtful, and highly erotic coming of age/MILF story. Added to favorites list.
2015-04-20 02:02:24 Happy Birthday, Stranger (in a Strange and Happy Land) [CAW Entry] Excellently done sex story that played out like a glimpse of a road movie. It features a unique and interesting female character (something lacking from many other sex stories) and super sex action.
2015-04-20 02:04:02 Happy Birthday, Stranger (in a Strange and Happy Land) [CAW Entry] Added to favorites.
2015-06-09 10:51:30 An Alien Abduction I liked this story. I'm a fan of alien sci-fi sex stories. You just need to include a blank line between each paragraph. This story does deserve a 90% and higher rating. Good work.
2015-06-09 10:57:24 Donovan Manor Chapters 7-14 I love it when authors invest so much into their stories. Great work!