Comments from Bigman7307

Date Story title Comment
2014-03-11 05:18:30 Seeing Matt's Stars Part 2 Loved it, can't wait for more of this series. :)
2014-05-14 19:31:19 Boy in the grass 56 If ya'll noticed Mia was walking with Amy, Leia, and Mike toward the porch. I loved the WuTang reference, even if it really was unintentional. My guess is that "Mr/Ms Big" is someone high in the legal fraternity, since Tang was able to pass the state bar without having the background really checked. Maybe the State Attorney General, or one of the Higher level Judges. Someone in the "legal system" that had the power to just slip him through relatively unnoticed.
2014-05-16 00:55:17 Boy in the grass 57 Mia never left, she was mentioned in the last chapter, walking with Amy, Leia, and Mike.
2014-05-16 03:09:15 Boy in the grass 57 Mia is the dog, Max has been not only submerged in the Biomatrix, he's been exposed to it, like most substances, you can filter most biological out of it, but, eventually, it does need to be changed out, kind of like needing an oil change in your car. I imagine, the searching in the link is that the entire thing is through the mainframes, which are all a series of hubbed computers, finding the right "ip" of each user, just like your bookmarks in your browser, you may have them but, you still gotta look through them to get to the right page.
2014-10-19 23:50:27 Until we meet again :) Here's the thing... why won't you create an account? You afraid everyone will know you like a series? C'mon, man up and just grow a damn pair. I'm proudly a member of both this site, and the new one he's posting on, I don't hide, and won't hide, you don't like it, tough. I have a few that are my favorite authors, and I will gladly let you know who they are, I won't hide who I am, and what I like. It's a fictional series, it's like being a "closet harry potter fan" get the hell over it and admit who you are. Jashley13, you are one of my favorite authors, and I'm not afraid of it, along with Magusfang, and a couple others when you're good, you're good. If you need the link, please pm me as well, I happened to find it when I was looking up a different story....BigMan7307