Comments from pars001

Date Story title Comment
2015-11-30 23:06:30 Christmas Angel_(2) hey djb8247 wake up I wrote this almost a year ago if you aren't going to take in all the facts then leave my stories alone! You creep!
2015-12-25 06:10:29 The Royal Genies - Chapter 01_(2) AH! Finally got to read some of your works, I like it just glad I got back to my own Genie stories, keep it up good luck Drago
2015-12-25 06:29:14 The Royal Genies - Chapter 02 Thanks for continuing Drago I was yelled at by my fans for not continuing my Genie series I'm gald you did also interesting.
2015-12-25 06:34:10 The Royal Genies - Chapter 01_(2) AH! Finally got to read some of your works, I like it just glad I got back to my own Genie stories, keep it up good luck Drago
2015-12-25 06:50:41 A guy and his...? (14) The Addition ok to let everyone know I have done 2 more chapter to this series hope to post them soon very soon.