Comments from pars001

Date Story title Comment
2015-12-25 16:19:07 A guy and his....? 15 Party Please everyone remember I almost didn't continue this story I never thought it was good though many decided it was (porn wise) I will continue it but I an still writing it as fun so the chaps will never be that long sorry.
2016-01-09 08:01:46 Lost Empire 10_(0) Thank you yes I saw the mistake, that was the excuse I was going to use though as I said Derrick HAD to be within her shields in order to correctly use the IMT. It is kind of like within the shields she could get a more exact lock on him. Please forgive I don't always explain as well as I should. I just hope that all are enjoying.
2016-01-07 21:22:55 Lost Empire 10_(0) To let everyone know Derrick didn't want the ships near 'til he was clear enough. Also Shelby couldn't use the IMT, one the bomb had gone off and she had to have Derrick in a safe space to bring him aboard. As the one poster said yes the blast had temporarily blinded Shelby's long range sensors.
2016-01-06 18:18:31 Lost Empire 10_(0) Already finished chap 11 out the next day or 2
2016-01-11 09:23:28 Lost Empire 11 Please forgive me everyone started chap 12, worked 20 last 2 days going to try and write tonight but am exhausted, plus think I have the flu.