Comments from Talkdtm

Date Story title Comment
2017-02-01 06:16:15 Confessions of a Cumstarved Mind_(1) My kind of girl, I used to have one like that, and life was great. Then I got paralyzed.
2017-02-15 21:44:31 Friday Night MILF. Club Excellent story, and I realize it's a new post. I will check for more stories from you. Great job of mixing together a variety of fetishes.
2017-05-15 05:31:04 Angelique Awakens I have to admit, my expectations weren't very high when I started reading. "First time" is not one of my favorites. But, because it is so well written, and sounded believable, I read every word in one sitting. I was a little worried because yo didn't mention the pill until very late. That could have ruined the story, for me, anyway. Keep up the good work. I look forward for your future stories.
2017-06-12 16:38:16 02 - The Julie Journals Good story, I am not a fan of the pissing. You might want to fix the time line. She started at 18, and year later was 19, but said it was 3 years ? Minor detail, still well written.
2017-06-12 15:45:48 The Julie Journals - When the planets align Excellent story and very well written. I know it says it's true, and I hope it is. It makes me want to get a plan together.