Comments from Talkdtm

Date Story title Comment
2018-05-02 03:59:34 I love playing with daddy Very well written, is there a second part yet?
2018-07-30 17:19:18 The Basics of Actually Good Erotica I agree with most of what you are saying. I found that the best stories have to be believable or at least something that people can relate to. Personally, I write things that are based on my real experiences, but stop myself from putting the "true story" tag on it. I don't agree that things like 'iron rod' sound better than hard cock. That seems to fall into the category of everybody having DD tits and 12" penises.
2019-03-28 07:10:20 Kate becoming a bitch Pt2 You got us this far. Please don't stop now. One of you must be dying to suck that doggie cock.
2019-03-28 07:10:48 Kate becoming a bitch Pt2 You got us this far. Please don't stop now. One of you must be dying to suck that doggie cock.
2019-09-07 05:47:42 My Sister In Law Beth - Conclusion I have to admit, I avoided this storey even though I like the title and the true aspect. I avoided it because it's length was too much for my bad reading speed. BUT, I broke down and dove in. It' very well written and believable. If it really is all true , I never thought a story on this site would have me thinking I hope you have the best life possible until the end.