Comments from AnnaSiciliana

Date Story title Comment
2015-05-28 19:58:53 The Caller 06 - a new number You're welcome. I really am not too proud about this, it's way too short and took me way too long to write. Next part shall be better, or at least have more sex.
2015-06-05 14:59:05 The Caller 08 - a call for help Hey,

I will continue this series, it just takes time to write, and I don't always have a good idea on how to proceed. It took me about 6 weeks to get from part 5 to part 6, then I wrote 6 to 8 in a few days. That's just how it flows.

On top of that, I've got now about 70 stories on here, many of which people ask me to write sequels on or continue the storyline. I can't please everyone, so I'll have to follow where inspiration leads me.

Finally, if I keep revisiting stories that people loved and just stick to writing more of the same, I'll never get to write anything new (which I'm currently doing).

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is: Do not fret. Your favourite story will continue, in one way or another. Plus, you never know if something better comes along.
2015-06-02 04:09:26 #### ABOUT MY STORIES #### Thanks Gina,

I just copy/pasted that from another site I post my stuff on where I had it as some general info, and I thought it might be useful for new readers. (Actually just noticed that I got my age wrong, just goes to show how old that paragraph is.)

Anyway, I love all women, but I've come to find out that a lot of readers have some definite expectations on the characters they like, and before I get comments like "hated the girl", "that pubic hair is gross" or "the way you describe her pussy turned me off" (all of which I've already gotten numerous times) I just thought I'd clear that up front.
2015-06-02 04:13:59 The Caller 07 - a foursome in a parking lot Hi.

Thanks Mel and Gina, glad you liked it.

Anon, there was no calling this time, but there doesn't need to be one in every part of this series. On some metaphorical level this storyline is always going to be about calling, but maybe not the way people expect it to be.
2015-06-02 04:15:34 Pissing on the Zombie Bitches knows just how to get a sperm sample_(1) Hardly. She'll be able to handle herself. The bigger trouble should be how to get out of there. I've been thinking about that for months now, still have to come up with something.