2015-06-24 02:59:33 |
Kinky Vanilla: Prologue
I can guarantee you I am the original author. I reposted because I edited something in the story. After rereading it I have to edit something else again. :( |
2015-07-30 10:09:23 |
Childhood Friends_(0)
I don't often vote on stories much less comment on them, but this is a true work of art. I can only hope to one day be able to write this well. |
2015-07-30 08:38:31 |
My Lana - Part 8
For the record any story where the introduction is the first 30 words or so of the story is stolen from a different site and posted by a spambot. Other telltale signs are sketchy links to "pictures" at the bottom of the story and usernames being something like g32176 or m90393 |
2015-07-26 01:51:28 |
Kinky Vanilla: Chapter 6_(0)
I'm sorry to hear that, that's not what I was going for at all. Jill was supposed to be understood as a girl who has constantly been taught and expected to act demure and subservient and has found pleasure and empowerment in dominating the bedroom. I'm sorry if my characterization came off wrong. |
2015-07-16 03:50:11 |
Kinky Vanilla: Prologue
Always great to read these comments, thanks for the support! Not that I mind constructive criticism though. I promise you the story is fiction though, not only the events but also the characters. I have a sister but our age difference is more like Jordan and Cody than Jordan and Camille, and I've never laid a hand on her for any reason, sexual or otherwise. |