Comments from KWAR14

Date Story title Comment
2014-08-10 01:06:36 Hitting the Curve (Chapter 1) @ Anonymous 2014-08-10 00:43:27
Don't worry. Staying unpredictable is one of my goals with this story.


Thanks for the support everyone. I expect the next part to be done in a few days but could be sooner, will have to see!
2014-08-22 01:16:05 Hitting the Curve (Chapter 2) You've lost all faith in me? Well, that's not good. Off to Uni tomorrow, will try to post next part when all settled in.
2014-09-25 08:08:52 Being More Social - Chapter 8 Great twist. Good story as always. Glad to see you still have time for writing, hopefully I can find some of my own over breaks!
2014-09-25 08:12:46 Hitting the Curve (Chapter 2) To all the people saying I've given up: I have not.
To all the people supporting me: Thank you.
To all those asking when the next chapter will be: I don't know.

I have lost most of my semblance of free time here in school and if I should find it I will gladly continue this series. Ironically I'm taking an intensive creative writing course this semester and I think you'll see an improvement once I get around to writing the next chapter but I guess we will see. I'll keep you all updated. Thanks again,
2014-08-18 17:26:54 Hitting the Curve (Chapter 2) Admittedly, I am lagging behind schedule for the next installment. Getting ready for a big change in my life and have been extremely busy. Bear with me! I have. Full day of nothing ahead of me tomorrow so hopefully can bang out a solid amount of writing then. Stay tuned and thank you for the support! I really appreciate it!
