Comments from KWAR14

Date Story title Comment
2014-08-18 17:35:42 Being More Social - Chapter 4 Once again, great chapter and an Positive Rating from me. Well written, had sufficient plot deviations from where I thought this chapter was going and definitely held my interest throughout. I think some of these critics are jumping the gun and being overly harsh. I think this was a good installment to the series.

I eagerly await Chapter 5!
2014-08-27 06:43:22 Hitting the Curve (Chapter 2) I want to apologize for not posting in a long while. Life caught up to me. You all can expect a chapter within the next few days... I won't give an exact number but know it is in progress. I just had orientation for college and they keep you busy as can be. Between that and being a division one varsity athlete (practicing with the team everyday- not baseball tho, ironically) I haven't had time to do much of anything. Hopefully now that classes have started I can make some time to keep pursuing this avenue of writing.

Thanks again and I apologize again,