Comments from BashfulScribe

Date Story title Comment
2014-09-09 03:58:10 Being More Social - Chapter 7 You know what, anonymous right below me? Go right ahead if you want to downvote my stories. The dedicated reader base I've gotten has brought me all the joy in the world, and if you don't want my stories to see the light of day, go ahead. I hope it makes you happy, since writing here has made me happy beyond comparison. Besides, more people are discovering my stories every day, and some kind people are translating and posting it in other places, with credit. The fact that so many people have been so supportive of my works has, for the first time, inspired me to look past the negativity. So if downvoting makes you happy, I'm just glad I could do something to give you a bit of joy.
2014-08-14 04:57:42 Hitting the Curve (Chapter 2) Well done, Kwar14. This story deserves to be on top of the charts.
2018-07-02 20:59:30 Wrestling with my sister_(1) Your writing shows promise, but you need to not rush things. I appreciated that you included backstory - don't forget that a smooth transition into the sex is crucial. If your backstory weren't there, this story would be abysmal.
2018-07-02 20:59:39 Wrestling with my sister_(1) Your writing shows promise, but you need to not rush things. I appreciated that you included backstory - don't forget that a smooth transition into the sex is crucial. If your backstory weren't there, this story would be abysmal.
2014-12-20 22:10:25 Being More Social - Chapter 10 Brittany appeared briefly at Dylan's party. She doesn't even have any lines, she's just a background character when Adam is talking to Kenny, Thomas, and Isaiah.