Comments from BashfulScribe

Date Story title Comment
2018-08-31 20:58:47 Back to Salome_(0) You two are an incredible pair. I can feel the passionate style of MojaveJoe420 and the very human dialogue writing of Melanieatplay through the words. A super strong opening - not too vague but vague enough to pull me in. The only real critique I found besides my own personal tastes was that some of the dialogue got a bit too exposition-y, but aside from that, I can't really make a major point about anything. Superbly well written.
2018-09-05 06:57:34 The Good, The Bad and the Molly - Chapter Six This particular story will have what looks like around 15 chapters to it, yes. I'm glad you enjoyed my works, many thanks. :)
2018-09-06 03:59:18 Behind Her Blue Eyes_(1) Accidentally hit negative review instead of positive, a thousand apologies. I'll be sure to borrow a friend's laptop and upvote it to make up for that.

Aside from a few grammatical errors and a bit of a pacing problem, you are a talented writer. You know how to insert personality into stories and write with personality, which is crucial. The rate at which you publish these is impressive, though I hope this is a backlog - I'd hate to see you burn yourself out.
2018-10-03 07:06:14 The Online Erotica Writer's Guide to Etiquette Update! The subforum has been created, and you can find it by going onto the sex story section of the forums and looking for 'The XNXX Author's Lounge.'

Thank you all for your support and thoughts through your comments. I appreciate you all.
2018-10-28 04:43:24 School Glory hole Unless you also go by Anonymoos, this story has been plagiarized. You did not write this story.

The original is called 'School gloryhole', published by Anonymoos in 2010. I'd say "nice try" but you didn't even change the names in the story. I'm disappointed in you.