Comments from BashfulScribe

Date Story title Comment
2019-02-19 04:24:18 Being More Social - Chapters 16-20 Thank you everyone for your feedback, positive and constructive. You all mean the world to me.

@PABLO DIABLO, I'd rather post my stuff here than in book form. I'd rather it be free for people to read rather than behind a paywall. Plus it's legally tricky to have books with this content made.

@DBuck, our stories don't need comparison. I like your stories because they're yours, and look forward to your continued stories.

@Wuffles2, I agree entirely that the disclaimer is annoying. That said, this story has been taken down once before, and I have to include the disclaimer to make it viable to stay here. Sorry about that. Believe me, I wrote this story with the intention of having their young age be a facotr - I'm the last person that wants to pretend they're all 18.
2019-06-11 04:08:58 What a Photo Reveals I think this is the best standalone story uploaded to this website in 2019. Very well written. Very well done.
2019-08-15 02:52:57 Shagging in the Confession Box I'm more confused than anything. You make so many meta references it seems like you wrote this story primarily to talk about sexstories and how people that write better dialogue than you are... worse writers.

You have a fiery, informal, personal style. If you refine it your stories will be very good. Try to get better at writing conventions without losing the style, and maybe focus on the story more than finding bitter meta references. I think your next story is going to turn out quite well.
2019-09-02 04:13:35 Artificial Affection Good work. You took the formula from Larissa the Latina and made it way better, more believable and better paced. You also made a story with reasonable sudden incest - which is one in a million on this site. Very impressive work overall.
2020-09-04 08:06:48 Compartments Another great story. I love that every character matters in your stories and they're not just there to get the protagonist from Point A to Point B. I hope no dams are close to bursting with you and that you're happy. I'll always remain a devoted reader of yours.