Comments from nightwolvesalpha

Date Story title Comment
2014-08-15 12:44:48 The Templar Belles - Parts I - VII hello bleeding rainbow I am nightwolvesalpha and I have to say that I am a huge fan of your work. I haven't seen anything new from you in quite some time so I'm assuming that you probably haven't visited this site in a while. However if you do happen across this comment I was wondering if you would be willing to check out some of the work that I have posted and tell me your opinion as well as any advice you could pass on to a novice such as myself. I would be greatly appreciative if you did, so I will say thank you in advance, and I hope to hear from you soon.
2015-07-22 08:25:51 Bloodsport Fairytale You are right. It is VERY disturbing. But that's Darrick. He's a 700 year old vampire that views humans as little more than cattle. It makes sense that he would have no regard for the age of his victims.
2015-07-23 06:09:43 Bloodsport Fairytale ch. 2 Fear not. For I have started working on chapter three and im moving along at a good pace. It should be done in a day or two
2015-08-01 02:44:38 The Legend of Zelda: A Different Path - Bk 1 Ch 1 Why not post it here? There's a non erotic section for a reason.
2015-07-24 19:58:31 Sarah's story Chapter 2 I won't lie. It needs a lot of work. The premise and characters seem to be interesting but the numerous errors in grammar, punctuation, and syntax break up the overall flow of the story and make reading it a chore. Its hard to get into a story when you have to stop and decipher each line as you read it. But clean up the technical aspect of your writing and I think it could be damn good.