Comments from nightwolvesalpha

Date Story title Comment
2015-07-24 19:11:17 The Teacher_(1) First let me say that this was an excellent read. Definitely in the top 20 of stories I've read on this site. As for suggestions...I would say continue as you started. With an inexperienced girl desperate to win the attention of her first love. As for the teacher... I think it would enhance the realism of your narrative if she struggled over the decision to make love to her former student a bit more. But whatever you decide to do I look forward to reading more.
2015-07-24 17:56:39 How to Write a Terrible Sex Story Hello bashful scribe. I read your essay, and I have to say that I agree with most of what you said. With that in mind, and seeing as I am an aspiring author who is struggling to get better, I was hoping you could give my series , Bloodsport Fairytale, a read, and any constructive criticism you could offer would be greatly appreciated. I should warn you now, though, that you will probably find the subject matter thoroughly disturbing. Even so I would appreciate any advie you could give me from a technical standpoint. Thanks in advance.