Comments from KG210502

Date Story title Comment
2016-01-29 01:14:58 Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3: Part 3 Yes, I'll be continuing the Lily series as well (although chapter 4 should already be there from before). I will post chapter 4 for this series (sometime early next week), and then in the next update it will be chapter 5s for both series.

As for the foot fetish scenes, it always seems to be hit or miss with people. A lot of readers have loved it and others not so much. I don't plan on cutting it out but not every chapter will have it either going forward.

Without giving away too much, Jenny and Chris won't be just kissing here or there in front of her husband but doing more.

As always, I'm open to suggestions and specific scenes/actions people want to see.
2016-02-08 13:32:36 Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3: Part 3 I don't really have any plans to include the grandma in the story, but if it's a threesome you're looking forward to, I'm happy to say that Lily will be re-joining them in the next series (not sure for how long yet).

I've already submitted the next chapter, but the site seems to only update like twice a week or so. So whenever it updates, my post should be there as well.
2016-02-13 14:30:14 Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3: Part 4 thanks for all the comments and suggestions guys, always look forward to reading them.

As the story is now, it would make little sense for Jenny to have sexual acts with Chris' friends; their relationship is very loving and still new, plus Jenny's going through the fact that Charles is cheating on her so she wouldn't do the same to Chris.

However, that has been requested in the past and is a big reason for why I started Lily's series. She doesn't have a boyfriend and is much more free to explore. Without spoiling anything, let's just say that in the crossover series, she gets very, very, naughty.

I really liked the suggestion of Jen jacking Chris off while whispering lewd stuff to him, so will be putting my own twist on it in the coming chapter.

As for Jessie, I don't have plans on involving her in anything overtly sexual, but mostly just as a voyeur.

And lastly don't worry guys, the foot fetish scenes will be returning with a bang next chapter.
2016-02-15 16:17:08 Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3: Part 4 For those that are interested and reading both series, the first return chapter for Lily's series (5) is submitted. So whenever the mods get the chance to update the site, it'll be available. Chapter 5 for this series will take another day or two before I submit it, so be patient.

Again, always welcome to leave comments and suggestions here or through PM.
2016-02-18 04:08:07 Lily's Seduction of the Boy Next Door Part 5 Yes, I agree, this chapter did have a lot of things happening, and is definitely faster paced than most of my past chapters. Future chapters will be a little slower, but I should note that Lily's series will inherently be "faster" than Jenny as the relationship between Timmy and Lily is more physical and sexual, without the element of love and romance.

More request for foot fetish scenes is noted.

Also, for those who also read my other series, chapter 5 for series of Jenny is submitted. It'll be up whenever the site updates.