Comments from KG210502

Date Story title Comment
2016-02-23 13:51:55 Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3: Part 5 Wow, thanks again for all the feedback, especially forever316 and the anonymous reader who took the time to write out such a well thought response. This is exactly the type of feedback I hope to read and digest.

You guys bring up a lot of good points and certainly give me a lot to think about regarding what to do with Charles. More and more, it's making me realize that my original approach of either scenario was too one dimensional and not looking enough into the future. Revealing too much in front of Charles makes for hotter scenes now, but also burns out the fire much quicker too. Also, I love the idea of keeping Charles guessing, letting his own imagination and nightmares torture him.

Regardless, I think chapter 6 will be delayed an extra few days as I decide on what's the best approach. Even if most of the scenes will take place in series 4, it's important to build the setting.
I will try to have Lily's out before the weekend and Jenny's sometime during the weekend.
2016-02-28 14:22:53 Lily's Seduction of the Boy Next Door Part 5 Lily chapter 6 just submitted, hopefully chapter 6 for Jen will be done tomorrow or Tuesday. Sorry for the slight delay. I'm also looking into moving to another site but I'll let readers know when/if that happens.
2016-02-29 14:31:08 Lily's Seduction of the Boy Next Door Part 5 Mod has a hard on for rejecting my stories now, so will be finding an alternative place to post from here on out. Will update when I know where.
2016-02-29 14:32:25 Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3: Part 5 Mod has a hard on for rejecting my stories now, so will be finding an alternative place to post from here on out. Will update when I know where.