Comments from Muke Hunt Hz

Date Story title Comment
2014-10-12 02:55:10 The Vampire Girl (chapter 3) no, the age limits are still in place. per the site's owner and moderators, a character must have existed on the planet for a full 18 time around the sun or else it gets refused. A character could slip into a coma the day she was born, wake up on her 18th birthday and her father can rape her mercilessly at that point and that is not offensive--as long as nothing happens before that day. But a gifted girl that is found legally an adult at a young age (under 18)--that is offensive if she has consensual sex. So to them, mental capacity and context of the relationship is NOT important here--it's how much time has passed since they came to exist on this planet.
2014-10-18 23:08:31 A Good Man 6 I'm curious to know why you give my stories a negative rating when they are clearly not geared towards your particular tastes. You are into cruelty, murder, death, rape etc. My stories tend to be more romantic and I put that right in the description. So, why do you even bother reading my stories when that's not what you like? Or, did you just give them a negative voting BECAUSE it's not what you like? Either way, you are F'd up, pars001.
2014-10-16 01:06:07 The Vampire Girl (chapter 3) parts 1,2,4, and 5 were refused/deleted by moderators.
2015-01-03 03:49:05 Cherry (chapter 3) I'm not sure who the @55hole is that said he was me and that I had chapters 4, 5, & 6 done but not posting them, but he's full of crap and just trying to cause hate and discontent. Ignore him. Chapter four is only just started but I'll finish it as soon as I can!
2015-01-03 03:59:25 Cherry(chapter 1) Thanks for the comments 'rule zero'. Taking your words to heart, I went to read one of your far superior stories to perhaps learn how a 'real author' writes. You can imagine my disappointment to find you have the same number of stories as indicated by your user name: ZERO.
BTW: this is why these stories are on a sex site. It's not supposed to be on the shelf with the likes of "real authors". Just read it and enjoy it for what it is. If you want real writing, read war and peace or something.