Comments from mature gina

Date Story title Comment
2017-07-20 23:59:33 Recollections Ch. 06 It's been a very interesting and quite detailed series so far, but I don't believe a three way relationship like this would last very long. Two girls competing over one guy would lead to hurt feelings because one would think the other is getting more attention. etc.
2017-07-21 08:21:14 Queen Yavara: Adriana's Story (chapters 25-28) This has been quite the interesting series so far. I'm not the grammar police and I don't look for mistakes, but sometimes certain words can jump out at you. I've heard the term petals in describing labia but pedals sounds like bicycle parts.
2017-07-21 17:12:43 All I Want... (A Christmas Story) This was a very nice romance story. I guess opposites do attract as the saying goes. I like Christmas time and reading a Christmas story in July put a smile on my face.
2017-09-05 15:00:51 Hiking for Love This was a really fun story to read. My Dad was an Army guy and my Uncle was a Marine guy. They would drink beer and bicker about why one military service was better than the other. ;)
2017-09-07 12:00:08 Beth Pony Girl All I can say is WOW to this. I have never read anything quite like this before.
It was crazy but I look forward to the next chapter.