Comments from Sinturian

Date Story title Comment
2012-11-19 21:52:42 Getting Spanked by Mom (part 1) Interesting story, but the poor grammer and punctuation was very distracting. You (or someone) needs to proofread the stories before you post them permanently. The theme is intriguing, though.
2012-11-25 19:54:44 The Shed Club (Part 5) Outstanding series. Very well written. Please write more. Reminds a lot of us about our "learning" period.
2012-11-27 17:23:12 The Shed Club. (Part One) Couldn't agree less with Bend OverBackwards. His opinion is just one, and judging by your sc oring, most people don't agree with hime. Great series...keep it up.
2012-12-03 21:39:25 You First Well written. As you've noted, the posting sometimes messes the format and puntuation up, so you have to carefully edit it after pasting, but before publishing. Very erotic...much like the Shed Club series. Hope you will do a sequal (or more, if you are up to it). There is a lot more to eroticism than moaning and groaning and fucking and bucking. You've captured the essence of youthful exploration. Good job!