Comments from Interesting Reed

Date Story title Comment
2015-08-25 16:38:39 Rebuilding The Union Part 6 Anonymous reader
2015-08-25 13:11:08

Please tell me what words were misspelled in the story? None right? Exactly so when ypu grow some balls to post a story on the site and not hide behind a anonymous account trolling for attention, attention that your parents chose to not give you and who can blame them if my child was some internet troll who lacks any types of manners and self respect I wpuld.ignore it too. As to the story i have used spell check I then went on to self edit the story. All that after I wrote the story after I came up with the concept of the story. What have you done? Made some weak attempt to troll on a sex story site? Bravo moron you did it you got a reaction. Hope your proud of yourself.

Thanks for the read though glad you enjoyed the story and got jealous enough to make a snarky comment.
2015-02-18 22:15:17 getting to know Laura 3_(0) Lets not forget Alf is tall and not your average guy also its a story doesn't have to be believable thanks for the support
2015-02-18 14:17:07 getting to know Laura 3_(0) Thats a given any more ideas ppl?
2015-02-18 13:34:32 getting to know Laura 3_(0) Ok ppl any ideas what Laura and Alf should do next?
2015-02-18 12:57:07 getting to know Laura 2 Already posted thanks for the support