Comments from Interesting Reed
Date | Story title | Comment |
2015-07-16 08:17:49 | Control yourself! - Training a mage in the modern world | Hey glad you decided to post the story thanks for the shout out and your welcome glad to have been of some help. Great story btw keep at it and if I can be of further assistance let me know. Reed |
2015-09-22 05:56:56 | Hunt Or Be Hunted | Glad you guys love it part2 is uploaded already and part three is being over watched for any sexual misconduct before posting so plz look for it thanks for your support guys. -Reed |
2015-09-22 05:59:56 | Hunt Or Be Hunted II | Thanks I love that you guys are hungry for part three well good news part three is being reviewed before posting shouldn't take to long now for it to be uploaded for your enjoyment thanks for waiting your support drives me let me know if u want a 4th part in the comments. -Reed |
2015-09-23 17:53:28 | The Forgotten Heroes Chapter 7 "The truth is revealed" | I hope you choke on my dick while you have it in your mouth lmfao of course it's getting published so their is a editor on staff of the company are you being ridicules because you jealous you can't pull a story half as good as what I put? I mean you have no problem with the story line or its plot characters or anything remotely important to the story what so ever it's hilarious how your big quarrel with my story is a typo or a run on sentence. Watch out we have a reviewer from some kind of new paper affiliate. You mad your work is a bums blanket get over yourself the ratings speak for itself my story is better then anything you can struggle to put together. Its funny how your jealous of my story it really is. Thanks for the read though your just building my fan base. |
2016-01-06 07:15:36 | Forever David | Very well written and you can really paint a picture with this story. Im glad I gave it a read as I'm more into the non erotic stories on the site but I must say you've done a great job. |