Comments from Rylee Elizabeth

Date Story title Comment
2015-05-29 03:37:52 FUCK YES JASON! I have no idea who you are talking about if you do not like stories you do not have to read them
2015-05-29 04:30:51 FUCK YES JASON! Thank you Very much you ass hole. I already said Im worming on it I'm dyslexic
2015-05-29 17:22:39 FUCK YES JASON! Okay I'm going to apologize once more for my spelling, All I want is positive feedback. That doesn't make me feel terrible about myself or my condition. I am dyslexic and I try my best I might be deleting this account and making a new one. Just to escape the negative comments on here. I'm sorry for disappointing the people who enjoy my stories but I can no longer deal with all of this. You can not bash on someone because they aren't very good at spelling or Grammer especially when it's not my fault..
2015-05-29 17:23:05 FUCK YES JASON! Dyslexia is a specific reading disability due to a defect in the brain's processing of graphic symbols. It is a learning disability that alters the way the brain processes written material. It is typically characterized by difficulties in word recognition, spelling and decoding.
2015-05-29 17:30:20 FUCK YES JASON! But thank you to everyone else for all the useful comments that I can help me become a better writer. Well if I choose to keep this account.