Comments from Rylee Elizabeth

Date Story title Comment
2015-05-29 20:59:10 FUCK YES JASON! I only have one account my name is Rylee Elizabeth. I copy and pasted what dyslexic means so people can understand. I am sorry that people think I am someone else but I am who I am. The reason I keep promising that my stories will be better is because I am willing to try. As well as some of the other people who commented recomned that I get someone to proofread My stories. So I am going to try to find someone to help me do that.
2015-05-29 21:01:46 FUCK YES JASON! I have no idea who this caption boner is. Considering I would never go under that screen name because I am a girl? I want to write these stories because it is simply a hobby of mine. And the fact that you people go around pointing fingers at everyone who isn't the best at writing and putting them down isnot called for. And I don't understand why you can't just ignore these stories if you dislike them so much
2015-05-29 21:02:27 the bathroom_(5) I actaully have no ides who caption boner is. I am a girl so why would my name be caption boner? Youk are ridiculous
2015-05-29 21:07:15 FUCK YES JASON! Rylee Elizabeth 27 years old I have facebook. Don't believe you don't have to you are just being a little bitch
2015-05-29 21:12:31 FUCK YES JASON! Goodbye anonymous users