Comments from ohbegentle

Date Story title Comment
2015-06-07 03:18:40 Dilemma Anonymous......kisses...muahhhhh
2015-06-07 03:21:15 When Secrets Come Out more to come ?
2015-06-07 03:27:20 My first time with my first love A lot of effort, good content,but requires restructuring, particularly spacing...difficult to read.Don't be concerned by the anonymous, they are that for a reason.Keep at it !
2015-06-08 02:17:30 Parent's Pillow Talk Turns Taboo Liked the format and content....but not with a 13 yr old......a bit young...16 and up
2015-06-09 07:25:15 GOOD LUCK WITH TOMMY Good story line Lost Lady, look at the spacing, makes for an easier read, eager to see more of your work.....