Comments from Heather D

Date Story title Comment
2015-08-24 21:53:55 On Top of Old Smokey (or vise-versa) Thanks for all of the comments (pro and con). 1) To answer some of the questions: Smokey was my first cock (human or dog), although I had already tried out cucumbers, zucchinis and fingers many times before! 2) It was not easy continuing to fuck my dog but, Where there's a will, there's a way!, 3) I didn't suck his cock at first but certainly did later!, 4) I am considering some follow on stories as a mixture of fact and/or fantasy.
2015-08-22 00:25:08 PERFORMANCE REVIEW Lesley, this story really made me wet, babe! I loved it!
2015-08-20 03:04:33 Baxter I've been fucked by a lot of dogs but none of them lasted 3 hours! Might want to check your math.
2015-08-19 21:39:12 Depraved housewife Oh please do it honey! You will never regret it! I know from first hand experience!
2015-08-18 04:50:53 Fun with My Brother-in-Law's Dog Great story but too short! It still got me wet though, hun! Can't wait for the next one.