Comments from Heather D

Date Story title Comment
2015-08-21 03:09:45 L&C school part 1 A young girls lesson in self discipline Debbie, I was using my vibrator and pinching my nipples while I read your story. You have been a naughty little girl and I need to discipline you!
2015-08-16 04:17:45 The Dog Walker Nice story.
2015-08-21 22:26:34 L&C School part 3 I love your sexy, inventive mind Debbie! Can't wait for #4!
2015-08-16 04:05:10 Great Dana Good story but faded at the end.
2015-08-19 01:46:53 Heather and Sarah's adventures with Thunder Good story. I would love to see the next installment.