Comments from Heather D

Date Story title Comment
2015-08-21 01:54:04 How a Dog Forced me into Submission_(0) Good story, with plenty of plot lines to explore. I agree with SirBandit01 below. Dump the boyfriend.
2015-08-21 00:31:36 My Master my Dog: Part 1 Being a bitch is a good thing. What about his knot?
2015-08-25 02:40:48 Divorcee Becomes a Bitch This was a very well written story. It certainly got me wet! And as for the anonymous assholes who rant and rave about this genre... If you don't like them, don't fucking read them!
2015-08-22 04:12:50 FITTING-ROOM SURPRISE Great story babe. I'm like the two readers below, as I wish some sexy, mature women had started me off much earlier. That way I would not have wasted so much time on guys!
2015-08-22 03:25:14 Milking Kimberly Wonderful story hun! I loved it.