Comments from Heather D

Date Story title Comment
2015-09-16 23:55:34 On Top of Old Smokey (or vise-versa) Thank you all for your comments, pro and con. If any of you want to share your stories, please feel free to IM me on my profile. Thanks.
2015-09-17 00:13:30 Date Night With Uncle Dave Made me wet!
2015-09-17 00:43:10 Stephanie - Just When Things Turned Around Great story hun. It made me wet and now I'm ready for Part 2.
2015-09-17 01:35:32 Stephanie - Just When Things Turned Around Pt. 2 I agree with Cassandra4you. I don't see the reason for Bob's aggression. However, I loved the story and can't wait for Part 3. On an editorial note, spellcheck missed "know" for "knot".
2015-09-17 03:18:07 Alone for the Weekend with the Dog Great story hun. It got me wet. I hope you do Part 2.