Comments from Clover Ernest

Date Story title Comment
2016-08-15 05:51:40 Awakenings 9 Karma sure is a bitch!! I laughed so hard at " the doctor's cock and balls nailed and hanging from the wall." that i accidentally hit 'alt F4' and fell backwards out of my chair.
2016-08-11 12:26:02 Arrested and Corrected (The Mission 10) A great ending to yet another wonderful story. Keep up the good work on the others.

As alws,
Semper Fidelibus Fidelis, Clover
2016-08-11 09:24:57 A Royal Pain (The Mission 4) MORE!!!!!!! Yet another great chapter. Kerp it up.

As always,
Semper fidelibus fidelis, Clover.
2016-08-14 08:55:25 Summer Fun 2 Anonymous reader 2016-08-10 01:06:26 Her whole hand in your ass??? You going to suck some guy in the next story? Your sick.

Hah! "Sick" says the one on the sex story site reading stories with controversial labels such as 'incest', 'gay', 'male/male', 'lesbian', 'female/female', 'bestiality', etc. yeah, and THEHAB is the sick one?!?!
2016-08-14 07:07:36 The Maintenance Man another repair 4 In the 3rd instalment i asked who sam had a kid with, saying that it obviously wasnt mark. I was wrong about that. Pars I sincerely apologize for making a hasty assumption. As it is written

[Breathlessly Sam gasp out, "we've also decided we want another child from you.".]

Well that clears that up. Thanks for the wonderful stories. I love that u choose be a rare find in that on a "sex story site" u make a wonderfully entertaining series ( many in fact) that ate more non-erotic than anything.

As always,
Semper Fidelibus Fidelis, Clover