Comments from Clover Ernest
Date | Story title | Comment |
2016-08-07 08:52:37 | The After Seeding A second wave (5) | this should get interesting. looking forward to it. |
2016-08-07 08:33:24 | The After Seeding A second wave (4) | an interesting thought just occurred to me -- if Johns having kids w/ Millies sisters, will the new children have powers like Mica?? |
2016-08-07 08:04:00 | "My Bra and Panties are Missing!" | good, intriguing story. if it werent for a few key aspects, id have thought it actually happened. |
2016-10-25 04:28:06 | Leben 9 | Take everything Ghost said, and here ours my addition to his statement. I especially look forward to seeing exactly how Emory escaped, and hours conversation with Alan about how Alan knows who he is and what happened all those years ago. Truly shaving, Pars. Can't get enough of all your stories, I'm now finally up to date on all your series, and new i truly understand what everyone meant when they commented that the wait was excruciatingly painful. Keep up the great work. Clover. |
2016-10-25 04:37:33 | Lost Empire 32 | Dammit Ghost! You bring up so many valid points that now im thinking up even more theories, Id pm u, if you had a forum account. I'll check anyway. Meanwhile, i have some rereading to do |