Comments from Clover Ernest

Date Story title Comment
2016-11-10 04:56:30 Lost Empire 34 Yet another damn near perfect installment, Pars. (i would say absolutely perfect, but as my senior writing teacher said, there is always something you can do to better a story, so there are no "perfect" stories, our 100sfor grades.) Please keep up the great work on all your stories, both those that are coming to a close and those that ate merely getting good. And we all hope to configure reading your splendid works of art soon

A always,
Semper Fidelibus Fidelis,
2016-11-10 15:17:57 A Welcomed Guest 9 Absolutely amazing. Cannot see where this is going, which i find pressing, because every new chapter hold surprise. Keep it up Pars..

2016-11-11 15:27:51 Leben 11 Crap, is every chapter going to end with someone blacking out?
2016-11-11 21:50:04 Haunted by the Futa Ghost 3: Hot Futa Ghost Threesome Aw shit. Let's get ALL the anime / manga kinks in here!!
Another amazing chapter, Pen. Keep up the great work.
2016-11-11 22:14:59 Lust From Space! I normally don't do such long stories, bit this one just completely captivated me. Amazing work, BD.

As always,
Semper Fidelibus Fidelis,