Comments from Clover Ernest

Date Story title Comment
2016-08-01 07:03:21 A guy and his.....? (2) (beginings) you say the bottle was at a construction site??? are there anyothers??
2016-08-01 07:27:07 A guy and his.....? (3) (Revelations) i had been wondering about all the noise they had made before, this explained it. thanks
2016-08-01 09:09:15 A guy and his....?(7) (Judgement) i first started on your Sovereignty series, and i do believe that you are much more skilled at writing non-erotica rather than chapters full of sex. but keep up the practice - i cant wait for a chapter truly enjoyable, both sex and plot alike.

Semper fi, Clover.
2016-08-01 10:21:12 A Guy and His...?(10)Healing wish actually Redthorn, it was "Master Kake"
2016-08-02 07:18:28 A guy and his...?(11)Family ties much like the very first 2 commenters, im wondering what role these new 3 will play.